Digital Marketing

How to Use Data to Personalise Online Customer Journeys

As consumers, we all like to feel valued and appreciated by the businesses we spend our money with. Who doesn’t feel a warm glow when the barista at our local coffee shop starts preparing our usual drink the moment we walk through the door, or the staff at a favourite restaurant remember us by name?

Equally, whether we’re shopping for clothes or a new mobile phone or a new car, isn’t it great to have the full attention of knowledgeable, friendly sales personnel who make honest, informed recommendations as we decide what to buy?

In short, we love the personal touch.

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Why Content is Your Most Valuable Digital Asset (and How to Get the Most From It)

Sit down with a marketing professional and ask them to explain the mechanics of brand building online, and you could well be in for a very long answer.

That’s because digital marketing is a complex and sophisticated business. To get it right – by which we usually mean, help a business to make money through any number of digital activities – you have to know your stuff. The skill sets it covers span the creative arts, cutting-edge technological know-how and rigorous application of evidence-based scientific method.

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