Short Form Video - Social Media

Video Content Strategies: Why Short-Form Video is Dominating Social Media

Social media thrives on trends and viral content, but one phenomenon that shows no signs of fading is the rise of short-form video. This trend has not only captured the attention of users worldwide but also emerged as a crucial tool for marketers and businesses.

Video has always been important, of course. The fact that YouTube is still the second most visited website in the world (after Google) tells you everything you need to know.

But the arrival of TikTok shook everything up. The first social media app to build itself exclusively around video content, it put shorter clips and mobile consumption to the fore. Its phenomenal success has even pushed Google into following suit with YouTube Shorts. Instagram, known as the photo-sharing social platform, has also got in on the game with Reels.

And now brands the world over are rushing to get in on it, too. With 73% of consumers claiming to prefer video content for learning about brands and products, businesses can’t afford not to. A third of marketers now say they plan to invest more in short-form video than any other social strategy, making it the hottest growth area in social and content marketing.

But buzz is one thing in marketing, success is another. So what do you need to know about short-form video to make it pay for your business?

The Unstoppable Rise of Short-Form Video

Defining short-form video can be tricky but clips up to 90 seconds are typically the norm, shaped by user preferences and platform algorithms. TikTok, for instance, allows videos up to 10 minutes, while YouTube Shorts restricts them to 60 seconds. TikTok also stands out with its flexibility in formats, supporting landscape, square, and portrait videos, as well as lower resolutions.

The surge in short-form video popularity aligns with increased competition for online attention and declining attention spans. Dr. Gloria Mark’s research highlights this shift, revealing that average online attention spans have dropped from two and a half minutes in 2004 to just 47 seconds today.

Algorithms are an important part of the social media ecosystem. With tens of millions of pieces of content being uploaded hour by hour, social media would be unusable chaos if it wasn’t for the algorithms that sort and categorise for users. Algorithms pick and choose between content based on lots of different criteria. One of the things they look for is engagement, or how popular/frequently viewed content might be. The shorter a video clip, the more likely it is it will be viewed in full, which classes as highly engaging. This helps to put the format right at the top of the list.

Benefits of Short-Form Video for Businesses

Short-form video offers several compelling advantages for businesses:

  1. High Engagement: Short videos cater to modern consumption habits and are often prioritised by social media algorithms, enhancing visibility.
  2. Cost-Efficient Production: Creating concise videos can be more resource-efficient than longer ones, delivering clear messages without extensive production.
  3. Mobile-Friendly: With most video content consumed on mobile devices, short-form videos are ideal for on-the-go viewing and sharing.
  4. Higher Conversion Rates: Short-form videos effectively engage audiences, increasing the likelihood of conversions. They also serve as excellent teaser content, providing a quick, engaging glimpse into products or services.
  5. Boosted ROI: The engaging nature of short-form videos often leads to higher ROI, with platforms like TikTok and Instagram driving significant sales through their content.
Short Form Video - Social Media

Creating Effective Short-Form Video Content

Success with short-form video hinges on quality. Here are some key strategies:

  • High Production Values: Ensure your videos are clear and visually appealing. Use high-quality cameras, stabilise shots with tripods, and employ good lighting.
  • Engaging Storytelling: Craft a compelling narrative within a short time frame. Use a clear beginning, middle, and end to captivate viewers and convey your message effectively.
  • Focus on People: Highlight characters and real people to connect with viewers. Utilise first-person narration and involve influencers or customers to tell authentic stories.
  • Start with a Hook: Grab attention immediately with a strong hook. Whether it’s a problem solved, a how-to tip, or exciting news, make it relevant and enticing.
  • End with a CTA: Always include a clear call to action. Encourage viewers to share, follow, subscribe, or visit your website, guiding them towards the next step.


Venturing into video content marketing can be daunting, especially for businesses used to text and images. However, the barriers to entry have significantly lowered, with smartphones enabling high-quality video production.

With the technical and technological barriers to video content no longer applying, the next challenge for brands is working out where the format can fit in their broader marketing and content strategies. And that’s where Key Element can help. As specialists in social media management in the UK, we can not only help you create, curate and publish the very best quality content across all of your channels, we can also help you plan your strategy so that every piece of content – video included – helps work towards your business goals.

Get in touch to find out more.

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